Santa and Basement Cat do not get on very well...
And insider chokes, running gags and even a special language:
In many ways, it is those thriving subcultures and idiosyncrasies that make the web exiting and not the streamlined sleek branded webpages. However, like almost anything this is a double edged sword and we can all think of some groups like neo-nazi organisations or paedophiles that we would prefer not to connect and thrive on the internet. But is the web in this respect really any worse then society as a whole?
A plotter is a printer where different pencils can be inserted to achieve very precise line drawings.
By inserting different colored pencils and repeating the print processes a multicolor line drawing results. Some artists have also been inserting brushes into the plotter to achieve totally different results. Or below and example of a plotter drawing on sand by Jean-Pierre Hebert using a steal ball as a drawing device that is guided by a magnet controlled by the computer/plotter. After some time the patterns in the sand vanish and the process starts again.
The algorithm that controls the output of the printer is usually programmed by the artists themselves. A programming language that has been particular popular in recent years to achieve this type of visual outputs is Processing.
However plotter drawings where used since the very early days of computer art in the 60s. Below an example of early computer art using the plotter as an output device by Charles Csuri called Sine Curve Man.
If you want to see more visit the Digital Art Museum
Personally, I would not limit myself to Helvetica, but there is definitely a time and place for this typeface.
I have chosen the Applied Digital Media course at Griffith College because it is the course that most closely resembled my interests.
Firstly, I always wanted to learn in more detail about creating web pages and good design techniques. I am interested in both the design and the technical aspect of creating web pages and both are covered in this course.
Secondly, I am interested in animation, 3-D modelling and video production. I have experimented in those areas and look forward to engaging more closely with them. My aim would be to converge these 3 skills and produce a short film that uses video technology with CG technology to create special effects and animations.
Thirdly, from a social point of view, I wonder what influence the digital revolution has on, as I am very fascinated about all the new technologies and rapid advances of new media. However, I am also from a generation that can very well remember a time before email and mobile phones and I am aware of the problems that can arise from the constant exposure to digital media.
With regard to what I want to achieve with this course: I firstly hope that the broad range of multimedia subjects covered in this course will give my flexibility in finding a job digital media sector. I consider the course a great opportunity to expand my knowledge in those areas, like web design and animation. My ultimate goal would be to become self employed as a digital- / multi-media artist designer.